
My 3 Dealbreakers When Screening Contractors (Analysts, Design, Devs, PM, Writers) — 🔍 Poor Attention To Detail: I usually ask for two pieces of information (e.g., LinkedIn plus pub
Should Media Be My Business? How Answering This Question Will Help Me Choose My Customer — I care about each of these audiences. Each of these audience sizes can generate seven figures in an
Don't Network: Build Relationship Moats; They're Hard, But Worth It — A better alternative is to invest in relationship moats where you meet strangers, stay in touch, an
Grouping My Work to Be More Intentional With My Time — Here are the key pillars: 📸 Capture: Article Highlighting, Camera, Meeting Transcription, Note T
Your Rhythm Of Business (ROB) Is Your FitBit For Your Business: Here Is My Template — Moving fast isn’t enough. Predictability, quality, and velocity (PQV) are all required. An op
Stop Saying Yes To New Work: Use My 5-Step Triage Process To Do Less & Increase Your Impact — 🗑️I’ve used this framework for years to ensure I wasn’t saying yes to work I would
Question What Transformative Experiences Will Reshape Your Decisions Identity — Philosopher L.A. Paul argues that transformative experiences challenge traditional philosophical th
The Two Types of Happiness: My Former Co-Workers Were Chasing The Opposite — Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman separates being happy “in your life” from “abo
Setting Monthly Cash Flow Goals: Turn It Into a Game — It’s also odd that people tend to budget monthly but set annual income goals. That’s br
The Comfort Trap — Bad 🚫 Avoiding Change 🎲 Avoiding Risk ⏰ Procrastinating Good 🚀 Get Started 💰 Live Bel
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