
You Don’t Work For Recruiters: A Random Resume is Your Secret Weapon as a Solopreneur

Does your resume look random? That’s okay. Mine does too. Random resumes are great for aspiring solopreneurs. Here’s why.

Many junior recruiters look past random resumes that don’t cleanly map to their talent-sourcing buckets. Too time consuming to screen. Conversely, executive recruiters looking for senior execs love the randomness. What’s the difference? Executive recruiters see the value in leaders with a unique worldview who don’t think like other leaders. My professional path is super random. Author, big company executive, feature film producer, military avionics technician, private equity investor, product manager, solopreneur, software developer, UX designer — I’ve had all these jobs. These seemingly random work experiences make me a unique 1:1 in the customer-serving marketplace. These experiences are valuable because they taught me how to create high-confidence decision frameworks, hire exceptional people, move fast, optimize processes, and tell great stories. Each is a key element to my talent stack.

Are you an active or aspiring solopreneur? Don’t over index on your job tile or resume. You don’t work for recruiters — you work for customers. Embrace your randomness and stay focused on creating customer value.

Next up, we’ll talk about how to document your talent stack.

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