
Why Solopreneurs Will Become A Dream Job For Those Demanding Happiness: The Reason Is Obvious

Don’t believe the hype. A lifestyle business isn’t a dirty phrase you should be ashamed of. 🙌

I understand why some want to do work that impacts millions or billions of people. But you don’t need to become a politician, start a company, or work at a big corporation to make that happen. You have options. I’ve found more happiness prioritizing control and freedom over status and perceived stability. My well-intentioned advisors wanted me to play it safe. Following their advice would’ve been a miss.

I’m a fan of big companies and VC-backed startups. They provide excellent career options. But those aren’t the only paths. Don’t listen to CEOs and investors who belittle the small business or solopreneur path. They need you to work for them. That’s their business model. Don’t let them control you. Instead, accelerate your path to financial independence (FI). Once you reach FI, you unlock new ways to do the work you care about. That can occur in companies with 100K employees, 1K, 100, 10, or zero.

As technology and the nature of work evolves over the decade, we will see solopreneurship celebrated instead of put down. Society will realize solopreneurship is one of the best paths to freedom and happiness. And those two attributes are what we should be optimizing for in the first place. Stay free.

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