
Supercharge Your Solo Business: 3 Tips To Hire, Train & Retain Top Overseas Talent

I’ve built a network of college-educated overseas workers in Mexico and SE Asia, ready to work full-time for solopreneurs at $600-$1,000 per month. This is an accelerator when done right. Here’s how.

🚀 #1 Hire For Potential: Behavioral interviews look for ability through past examples. This is the wrong approach when hiring global assistants. Instead, look for raw potential and expect to train for 2-4 months on your process. Critical thinking, understanding customer behavior, and writing are essential skills. I look for people with computer science, English literature, or psychology degrees.

🧱 #2 Keep It Simple: Start your business of one with a single product and a single process. Document the entire customer engagement lifecycle. Identify the success metrics for each step in the lifecycle. Map recurring activities to each step. Delegate work to your assistant after you understand the work and can adequately assess predictability, quality, and velocity.

💪 #3 Train & Retain: Be transparent. Don’t hide parts of your business from your assistant. Have them shadow you. Add them to emails. Create a group chat in Slack or Teams. Write things down. My pro tip is to use a tool like Loom to record feedback so the communications are asynchronous and the assistant can rewatch when needed.

Shoot me a DM for help finding a global assistant to work for you.

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