
Do Your Priorities Match Your Calendar? 2 Insights I Learned

Question: How important is it to map your time to your most important priorities?

Outside of “being happy,” the items below are the most consistent priorities I’ve heard from folks I have coached.

I gave people 100 points and had them allocate across these categories.

🌿 Health & Well-Being

πŸ’° Financial Stability & Security

πŸ’• Meaningful Relationships & Connections

🌱 Personal Growth & Self-Development

🌟 Positively Impacting Others

🌈 Purpose and Fulfillment

🌍 Environmental Stewardship

Insight #1: There were extremes in the point allocation. Each cluster is a potential target customer segment for a new business.

Insight #2: Time spent was not aligned with priorities. That may be okay, but it feels broken.

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